match made in heaven? or hell.

So, I thought that today I would be posting another FO for you. (I know, 2 FOs in a week? Crazy talk.) As I sat watching the abysmal performance of the Orioles starting pitching last night (and the incredible 2 homeruns from Jay Payton—who would’ve guessed?), I was busily knitting the shoulders for the Lutea Lace-Shoulder Shell. I finished them up and with about an hour to go before bedtime decided I would seam them as well—virtually painless, as seaming is done with the brilliant three needle bind off (if only everything could be seamed this way!). So I got to work, pausing only to polish off my favorite summer treat, an ice cream sandwich (I also enjoy a summery mojito, but we’re out of white rum, and my mint seems to have contracted the plague and is rapidly wilting). Seaming was done within 20 minutes, and I held up my finished shell for all the world (well, OK, husband and the cats) to see—Ta Da! Oh wait, that doesn’t look right. Those increases and decreases were done on the side, why are they now running down the front and back of the shell? I know it’s a V neck, but why is the V so deep? My mom’s not seeking employment at Hooters. How could this possibly have turned into such a disaster??? Unless . . .

Yes, folks, I mistmatched the shoulders. Instead of joining the left front shoulder to the left back shoulder, I joined the left front shoulder to the right front shoulder. And so on. I couldn’t bear to take pictures of such a travesty, so you’ll just have to imagine the horror. After pouting for more than a few minutes, I ripped out the seam on one shoulder and put both sides back on needles. So tonight I’ll rip out the other and try again. Sigh.

Other knitting seems to be on hold. The Josephine Top has been swatched (got gauge!) and I’m ready to cast on, but I want to finish Lutea first. The Hedgerow socks have been on hold, sort of—the more I look at the leg, the more I think it won’t be big enough for Josh (why does everyone else have creative blog nicknames for their husbands? Boo.), so I may start over yet again. I’m also not loving the Knit Picks Essential that I’m using. I made the Lightbulb Socks with Essential Tweed, and loved it, but for some reason it now seems a little too fuzzy and cheap-looking.

I’m well over my yarn budget for the next, you know, decade, but WEBS has a closeout on Queensland Kathmandu DK, which I think would be perfect for the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. To buy or not to buy? I certainly can’t afford Rowan Felted Tweed at $10/skein; the Kathmandu closeout at $4.29 gives me a $42ish sweater, as opposed to an $80 one.

(I know I promised photos of my LBT shortrows, so I’m going to do a LTB follow-up post [kinda like those TV star “where are they now?” shows] soon—don’t let me forget!)