you put the lime in the coconut . . .

You know what's no fun? Returning from a tropical paradise to discover that the weather in your hometown is actually hotter and more humid, but with no beaches, palm trees or tropical drinks. Sigh. I am back after a few nice relaxing days in Nassau. My conference was Thursday and Friday, but ended around noon Friday, so I had plenty of beach and pool time. I can't add any new Flickr photo albums (and I don't want to bunch all my photos together in one messy album) until I upgrade, so for now my pics are on Facebook (and you'll just have to be my friend! And you should, because I have this cool "send yarn" application, and hardly any knitting Facebook friends!).

I successfully smuggled Josephine, needles and all, onto the plane, and knit most of the way from Chicago to Nassau (why was I, a Baltimore(ish) resident, flying from BWI to Nassau through Chicago, you ask? Good question. Damn American Airlines--my far more geographically sensical flight through Miami got screwed up, so I was stuck flying halfway to Japan and then turning around to fly in the opposite direction; I got to BWI at 4:30am and finally arrived in Nassau at 5pm. Ridiculous!). I finished the back, but haven't started the front yet. Pictures soon, I promise! I was sitting in the last row, so I didn't attract much attention, except from a few flight attendants who wanted to know what I was knitting. I decided to check my knitting for the trip home, and I'm glad I did--we went through THREE different overzealous security check points at the Nassau airport, and it was annoying enough without trying to explain knitting needles.

Now that I'm home I need to get back to work on the Windowpane Socks, and hopefully get the first one finished up before we head to Deep Creek for family vacation number 1.