back to school shopping, knitter style

Thank you all for your kind reassurances regarding my depraved yarn buying downward spiral. Now for some show and tell. While I'm waiting patiently for my Beaverslide Dry Goods and destash Lime and Violet yarns, I'll show off my Chicago purchases:

Koigu Premium Merino (for some socks for J, albeit small ones, since I only bought 2 skeins; I guess we'll see if he likes anklets):

Some warm snuggly Ultra Alpaca Light, for what I don't know:

And my beloved Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend. Love love LOVE this:

I also got my latest installment from the All Raveled Up sock club, this gorgeous mix called Rainy Day:

Now, with all this yarn, I should probably try knitting something! Still plugging away at Josephine, hoping to have her done in time to wear for LABOR DAY (yes, summer top number 2, barely squeaking in before summer ends). Windowpanes still on hold. I finished up the bag, at least, and will have to snap a picture of the angel package before I ship it out (still on the lookout for a few trinkets to include). I decided to add a little color to the bag, and I'm undecided about how it looks. You can pass judgment on my next post.

Oh, and some photos from Chicago. Loved it!
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment