post All-Star break slump

The Orioles seem to be gradually pulling themselves out of theirs, but mine continues. Very little progress on either the Windowpane socks or Josephine. I had every intention of knitting on the 3 hour drive to and from Deep Creek, but once in the car, I just had no desire to actually do it (I also had to keep an eye out for bears, as Josh and my sister saw one once on the drive from Bucknell to Baltimore, and I missed it; bears spotted by Kristen to date: 0). I knit a few rows one evening while we sat around and chatted, but otherwise, vacation knitting was a bust. This is all I've got done of the front (needless to say, I was unable to wear Josephine for our bbq yesterday):

And I've made even less progress on the Windowpanes; I'm actually not having any problems with the pattern (as far as I know!), but I find colorwork so labor intensive that every time I sit down to knit, I only go one or two rounds before I need a break.

I really need to find some motivation somewhere to finish these, so I can get started on some fall weather projects--how can it be August already? I've recently fallen in love with this vest, but fortunately I don't have the yarn for it, so it can't really distract me from my other projects.
Kristen JancukComment