winding swiftly down the path . . .

See what I did there? Winding? Swiftly? Yes, it's true, the birthday fairy very generously bestowed upon me a swift and ball winder!! Hallelujah!

Many months ago I stumbled across this page about making your own swift. I sent the link to J, figuring he might be inclined to relive his wood shop days and take a crack at crafting one of these, but then I promptly forgot about it.

Fortunately, he didn't. While I was in Peru, he (with some help from his slightly handier Dad) gathered up the appropriate materials and hammered together a portable swift for yours truly. He also managed to figure out that alone it wasn't going to be of much use to me, so he also picked up a ball winder (perhaps you could DIY a winder too, but that seems a little over the top). And I found them both waiting for me when I arrived home Thursday night (barely coherent after 12 hours of travel and zero sleep the night before--don't celebrate your birthday by chugging pisco sours before the taxi comes to whisk you off to the airport at 3am).

I gave them a test run yesterday:Look at those adorably uniform cakes of yarn! Best. gift. ever.

Tomorrow: a smidge about Peru, although unfortunately I didn't have much time for touristing, as I worked all day and was knocked out by a cold on my one free weekend. :(
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment