Sock Surprises, 2009

I have honest to goodness made significant progress on several knitting projects. Unfortunately the weather is not cooperating with my need to photograph said knitting; it's gray and depressing (just rain, no snow! booooo!) so I can't get any decent photos. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

In other news, the awesome and talented Knittymuggins (who is even more awesome than usual right now because it's snowing on her blog!) is always putting ideas in my head with her blog, and here's another great one: a Personal Sock Club. Basically you take some of your stashed sock yarn (don't be ridiculous, of course you have some!), match it up with some sock patterns, seal each pairing up in an unmarked bag, and pick one bag each month (or in my case, every other month, as I have no delusions about being able to knit a pair of socks a month) for a surprise sock knitting experience.

I've packaged up 2 unfinished sock projects (Pomatomus, who needs a match, and Windowpane Socks), along with these stashed yarns:

And matched them with these patterns:


Froot Loop



Here they are, all packaged up and waiting to be knit in '09!
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment