Warm Ewe Up Swap questionnaire

Do you knit or crochet, or both? How long have you been at the craft?

Just knit, no crochet (and no real interest, except I love this bookmark every time I see it). I've been knitting for almost 2 years now

Do you spin?

Nope, haven't gotten there yet. Maybe someday. ;)

What yarns/fibers are your favorites?

Wool silk blends, wool/alpaca blends, really just about anything natural. Manos silk blend is my current favorite, and I'm itching to get my hands on some more malabrigo.

What yarns/fibers do you not like?

Acrylics and novelty yarns. Bamboo on its own is too flimsy, but I like it in a blend.

What yarns/fibers would you like to try but haven't?

Fearless Fibers looks yummy, I still haven't tried Noro, and Tofutsies is just so intriguing.

What are your favorite colors? Colors that you don't like?

I love blues and dark greens, reds, plums, etc. can't stand orange, or anything neon bright. I also only like variegateds for socks--they just don't work for me on anything else.

What are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet?

Just about anything, it all depends on the mood. But I like to knit functional things, not so into knitting random "stuff," I stick to clothes and accessories.

What are you currently working on?

Christmas gifts! And a tangled yoke cardigan that's causing some trouble.

What is your favorite FO? (Please post a picture if you have one.)

Still my Lotus Blossom tank, since I don't seemed to have managed many FOs as of late; it might be my Hemlock Ring Blanket, if I ever block the thing.


Are there any techniques that you want to learn?

Socks on circs, steeking, maybe magic loop. I've dabbled in colorwork, but definitely need to improve my technique.

Do you have a yarn winder and/or swift?

Yes, thankfully!

How do you store your needles/hooks?

They're a bit of a mess. I keep them all in a bag (or several bags, spread out around the house), but they're not exactly organized.

Do you collect anything?

Matryoshka, Beatles LPs . . . and yarn!

Do you like sweets?

Of course!

What are your favorite scents?

Christmas trees, fireplaces, baked goods, lilacs, fresh cut grass, clean laundry

Are you having a birthday during this swap?


Do you have any online wish lists? (Amazon, Loopy Ewe, etc.) Please include a link for your pal.

Loopy Ewe

What is your living situation (Are you married? Do you have kids, pets, or both?)

Married with 3 very spoiled cats

Are you allergic to anything?

No. well, maybe work ;)

Is there anything else that you would like your pal to know?

nope, that's pretty much it, although all questions are certainly welcome

Kristen Jancuk1 Comment