onward and upward

It has come to my attention that 2008 was a pitiful knitting year, FO-wise. By my count I had only 13 completed projects (13 and a half, if you count one pomatomus). THIRTEEN. Quite an abysmal performance.

I really do enjoy knitting, but I am definitely a product knitter--I focus on the final result. So having completed only 13 projects is really bumming me out. One of the problems, I think, is that I really am a very slow knitter. How can I learn to speed things up? Hopefully learning to knit socks on circs will speed up my sock knitting--I ordered the very famous Addi Turbos from The Loopy Ewe, so I'll take a crack at that as soon as they arrive.

I've also got to become a better planner--I constantly find myself in the middle of projects when I suddenly realize that I don't have the right size needles/tips or am about to run out of yarn, which really derails the whole process (which, incidentally, is where I'm at now with the Tangled Yoke--I need a size 3 circular needle to finish the neckband, and all I've got is a 16", which is too short). So, more organized knitting is in order for 2009. Perhaps a notebook of some kind would help . . .

Ok, enough rambling, here are some concrete (hopefully attainable) goals for this year:

Knit 4 (adult) sweaters (and that doesn't count finishing the Tangled Yoke)
Finish at least 2 projects each month
Learn to knit socks on circs, and ultimately Magic Loop

Hope everyone's 2009 is off to a great start, knitting and otherwise!
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment