It Takes Two to Tangle

This project has been going on so long, I don't think any preamble is necessary. So, without further ado:

Pattern: Tangled Yoke Cardigan, by Eunny Jang, Interweave Knits Fall 2007
Size: 34
Yarn: Queensland Kathmandu DK, 7 skeins
Needles: sizes 4, 3 and 0

After many months of labor, it's finally done! And it's a perfect fit! No mods to speak of, other than creating more work for myself by inexplicably knitting the neckband together and then binding off, instead of doing a three needle bind off as indicated. The neck band is a little tight, and if I had it to do over again I would've used a larger needle to bind off, but it doesn't merit any frogging.

The tangled yoke part was quite easy to do once I'd learned cabling without a cable needle. I did have to redo the first buttonband once--I picked up about 8 too many stitches, and hoped it would just work out, but it looked a bit ruffly (not to self: to make ruffles, pick up too many stitches), so I ripped back and picked up the correct number.

You can see the back is a little puckered around the neckband because of the tight bind off, but it will be covered by my hair anyway. The neckband looks a little wonky on the sides from blocking, I'll have to figure out how to shape it correctly.

Can't wait to wear this to the office next week! (It's a balmy 60 [SIXTY!] degrees here today, but it's sure to cool down again when I have to trek a half mile to and from the subway)
Kristen Jancuk4 Comments