half baked

That about describes my knitting lately--as in, not so much done. I've got so many half-finished projects I've lost count. So what do I do? Start new projects. Obviously.

My dear friend Mo is due to have a baby in a few months--appropriately dubbed Mojito by yours truly, until they bestow a real name upon it at birth. So certainly she must have baby gifts. I cast on two this weekend--an Elefante, and the Moderne Baby Blanket. Elefante (Elijah? Elliot? Ernesto? I'm not sure yet), knit in yellow with dark green feet, will hopefully be done in time for her shower on June 7, but the blanket won't be finished until much closer to her due date. No pics yet, progress is minimal.

I have dedicated myself to finishing the Tidepool Socks, and won't allow myself to cast on any summer-y tops until they're done. But I'm planning to tackle the Trellis and Keyhole Tank (in Hempathy) and Delphine (Frog Tree Pima Silk).

And then I'd better do some more socks, because I now have so much sock yarn it may actually constitute a federal offense. In fact, I think I'm going to give some away to celebrate my blogiversary, which is June 2. Stay tuned.