Bless me, Father, for I have sinned

Sometimes an interesting discussion on one of the Big Six over on Ravelry will catch my eye, and the other day I found myself scrolling through a topic entitled “Knitting Blasphemies.” Though the thread quickly devolved into a “heated discussion,” (the segue from knitting blasphemies to the abortion debate is just too easy, folks) it did start me thinking about my own knitting blasphemies:

I don’t get dishcloths. To put all that effort into something that’s going to be encrusted with food and other muck and sit collecting bacteria in your kitchen sink? Definitely a “it’s cheaper to buy it” argument winner for me.

Variegated yarns on sweaters. Just . . . ugh. It almost never looks right to me. That much swirly goodness needs to be administered in small doses. Sweater-sized, I think it looks like someone ate a box of crayons and vomited it up on you.

Baby Surprise Jacket—bleh. And Elizabeth Zimmerman in general, while she’s come up with some cute stuff (I do love the February Baby Sweater), is just too darn “pithy” for me. How about some actual sizes? Or, for that matter, instructions? If it weren’t for help from the message boards, my FBS probably would’ve come out with 3 arms—and I know hardly any three-armed babies.

Neither Clapotis nor Calorimetry interests me. At all.

Bobbles, tassles, fringe—just why?

Beads on knitting—love the way it looks, but can’t imagine struggling through the tedious process of actually doing the beading. I’ve got enough trouble finishing projects as it is.

Most of the stuff in Vogue Knitting scares me and leads me to believe aliens are now dictating our fashion choices.

What are your knitting blasphemies?

p.s. Don't forget to check out my destash, and help me clear out my unloved yarns--still got some Malabrigo lace, a skein of Noro, some Artyarns Ultramerino 4, Alpaca with a Twist Fino, a few sock yarns and some other odds and ends.