Recession Special Swap questionnaire

I've signed up for a new swap (yes, another! i can't help it!), check it out if you're interested in a swap that's not too much of a burden on your wallet.

Do you knit or crochet, or both? How long have you been at the craft?
i knit, and have been doing so for about 2.5 years; i'd like to learn some basic crochet, to add trims to things, but so far, i haven't had much success teaching myself--although to be honest, i haven't put much effort into it either.

Do you spin?
no, i barely have time for knitting

What yarns/fibers are your favorites?
just about anything natural, i love alpaca/wool blends and wool/silk blends; i love tweeds and heathers

What yarns/fibers do you not like?
i don't really use synthetics, and while i do love variegateds for socks, i definitely don't use them for sweaters, hats, scarves or anything else

What yarns/fibers would you like to try but haven’t?
i'd love to try a blend with llama!

What are your favorite colors? Colors that you don’t like?
i like most colors, but stay away from neon brights--i prefer shades that occur in nature. i really don't like orange.

What are your favorite types of projects to knit/crochet?
just about anything--sweaters, scarves, socks, hats; i haven't finished any shawls yet, but i hope to someday!

What are you currently working on?
let's see. a baby blanket, Delphine, Pomatomus socks; i'm dying to cast on for a fall sweater

What is your favorite FO? (Please post a picture if you have one.)
Lotus Blossom Tank or Tangled Yoke Cardigan

Are there any techniques that you want to learn?
steeking, magic loop, fair isle

Do you have a yarn winder and/or swift?
yes to both

How do you store your needles/hooks?
i have a great DPN organizer, and i use the regular Knit Picks binder for my interchangeables, but i haven't come up with anything for organizing my fixed circs

Do you collect anything?
matryoshka (Russian nesting dolls), Beatles LPs, and apparently armadillos

Do you like sweets?
mmmm, yes

What are your favorite scents?
depends on the time of year; as we get closer to fall i love baked goods, pumpkin, cozy stuff like that

Are you having a birthday during this swap?
October 15!

Do you have any online wish lists? (Amazon, Loopy Ewe, etc.)
of course
Loopy Ewe

What is your living situation?
I live with 2 spoiled cats

Are you allergic to anything?
Kristen Jancuk2 Comments