I gotta tell ya, my little Christmas elves, the swap stats aren't looking good. Tomorrow is supposed to be the last day of sign ups, and unless quite a few knitters sign up between now and then, well . . .

OK, spirits up, let's give it one last push. I'll try to spread the word a bit more and see what happens.

But just FYI.

Don't forget, if you're reading this (or this), want to sign up and haven't yet, DO IT NOW!

Send this info to merryknitmas at gmail dot com:

Full name:
Mailing address:
Rav ID:
Blog address:
Willing to ship outside your country (US to Canada or vice versa)?
Would you be a swap angel, or be willing to donate $ or items to angel packages?
Do you prefer a $ swap or a $$$$ swap?
Kristen Jancuk2 Comments