in which horror is imminent

I almost forgot to tell you guys that a most terrible, horrible thing will be happening to me this year--horrible and unavoidable. For alas, this is the year I turn . . .












Yep, the big 3-0. Sigh. I've got about 9 more months of being in my 20s, and then, it's all over.

They say 30 is the new 20. I sure hope so. If the fact that I'm still asked with somewhat alarming frequency if I'm an intern is any indication, at least I don't look to be 29-speeding-toward-30. Not that there's anything wrong with looking 30 . . .

Oh hey, I did some knitting too:

This is the Traveling Woman shawl, and since I never finished my Print o' the Wave Stole, if this project is completed it will be my first shawl. Of course, this one is done in fingering weight, not lace weight, which makes things quite a bit easier and faster. I'm using one of the gorgeous skeins of Sundara sock yarn from the Sante Fe collection I subscribed to last year. So far, I must say I love it--lovely color and lovely feel.

I've also started an Every Way Wrap in everyone's favorite, Malabrigo worsted. So far so good, but it's just ribbing for the first 30 rows. I did manage to mess it up once already, though--not paying attention to the stitch guide, I just jumped in for the k2p2 rib, then glanced back and saw that I was supposed to start and end with a k3. Sigh.

And in conclusion, guess what I picked up this week? A lovely skein of Sanguine Gryphon Bugga sock yarn. I don't know what all the hype's about, but I'm about to find out.

Kristen Jancuk5 Comments