But wait, there's more!

The Lovely Leann and Delightful Deirdre have offered up two additional prizes for the raffle. That brings the total up to 5, and we're still 2+ months out from the drawing!

Leann is the dyer behind the Enchanted Hues Etsy shop, and has offered to donate something from her shop to a lucky raffle winner. She has some gorgeous stuff there, makes me want to try dyeing.

(Sometimes I accidentally type that "dying." I definitely don't want to try that anytime soon!)

Deirdre, the purveyor of the newly-opened and fantastically awesome Flocks of Yarn is offering up the Transition Gloves pattern and the yarn to make 'em.

Thanks so much to Leann and Deirdre!

And for these two wonderful women, as well as everyone else who donates cash or prizes for this fundraiser, I've created this cutie little badge to put on your blog, ravelry profile, or wherever:

support badge

This is my momma, circa 1973. Cute, huh?

So, once again, for every $5 you donate, your name will go into the hat for a yarn-y prize, and you've got until June 4 to pony up your hard earned cash. And spread the word!
Kristen JancukComment