On my needles

Nope, couldn't come up with a better title than that. But, I'm posting twice in one week, so that should count for something.

In addition to finishing a pair of toe up socks, I started and made, in my opinion, good progress on a number of projects over the last month or so. Here's what I'm currently working on:

A Springtime Bandit scarf/shawl type dealie, in a color I just adore (that's Dream in Color Classy in Gold Experience):

However, I managed to screw it all up last night when starting the 5th repeat of the body chart. I'm a stitch off, and have no clue why. Now I've got to rip out 4 rows. I do love ripping. And by "love," I mean "detest."

Still plugging away at this Tweed Baby Blanket:

Do you suppose it's just a coincidence that so many Jared Flood patterns look like shapeless jellyfish blobs until they're actually done? This one's been on the needles for quite a while, but I finally finished the boring square part and even managed the tedious task of picking up 440 stitches around the edge. But now I've got to knit 24 rounds with those 440 stitches--this one will be looking like a blob for quite a while, I predict.

And an Every Way Wrap in some snuggly Malabrigo:

Reversible cables=the devil's playground. Or the devil's work. The devil's something, anyway. This project got off to a terrible start that lead me to believe some wires inexplicably got crossed in my brain and I could no longer read charts or work cables without a cable needle. Turns out, there's errata for the pattern. Of course. And quite inane errata too--the chart was published with the key backward, so the instructions in one column actually match up with the icons in the other column. Sigh.
Since this discovery though, it's been smooth sailing. That is to say, no screw ups. But working reversible cables is fiddly, and I don't think I'm a fan.

Now, the plan is to finish all three of these month.

No, really.


Kristen Jancuk2 Comments