by Tuesday, I meant Wednesday

But you already knew that, right?

Time is just escaping me these days. Where does it go? Does it have a corner it hides in somewhere? If I find it, can I keep it, and have more time than anyone else?



What if I promise to use it for knitting?

Speaking of time spent knitting, you'll never believe how many FOs I have for 2010 already.

Go on, guess!


That's right, 11 FOs, and the year's not even half over yet. And that's not including a few mini projects here and there (cat toys, tree ornaments, etc.), that's just "real" projects.

Like this darling little baby shrug.

Pattern: Whirligig Shrug by Stephanie Japel
Yarn: Spud and Chloe Sweater in popsicle, 1.5 skeins

Ravelry link

There are many babies in my life these days, though fortunately none of them are mine. Two friends had babies last year, and another is due in a few months, which is ok by me, because I really love baby projects. They look like people clothes, but they take so much less time.

This bright pink ruffly dealie will be heading to North Carolina for baby Ella, who loves--I mean, whose mommy loves--all things pink. Pink pink pink everywhere. God forbid she had had a boy.

The instructions for the neck trim weren't quite clear, I wasn't sure if I should carry it all the way down both sides or not. But doing that seemed more like a cardigan, so I stopped it at the underarms.

The Spud and Chloe yarn was lovely to work with, nice and soft, and only part wool, so not too heavy to have in your lap on warm days. Of course, in the future I hope to work with a less . . . pink . . . shade. Or at least less neon.

Lots of other projects on the move, and I'm lately finding myself obsessed with the idea of having a fair isle vest for the fall. Like this one. Or perhaps this one.

Just a few problems with this:

1. I don't know how to knit fair isle. Not really, anyway.

2. I've never steeked anything.

3. I'm clueless as to how to go about picking colors for such a project. (Check out the gorgeous colors in this version of the Ivy League vest. Stunning, huh? HOW DID SHE DO IT?)

So, what's a knitter to do? Well, for starters I ordered a copy of Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting. And I printed out all of Eunny Jang's steeking chronicles. So, you see, I am determined to learn! I just hope those ladies can teach me.