Being selfish

Sometimes I get over startitis long enough to actually finish a project. 

Hmmm, maybe "sometimes" is too generous. Maybe "occasionally." "Every so often." Or "once in a blue moon."

But let's not get wrapped up in word choice; the point is, I do in fact finish projects. And I have proof:

(Proof and Dory's foot.)

This is the Multnomah shawl, available for FREE from Hello Knitty. For reasons even I don't understand, I knit it up in Tofutsies, which is a wool/cotton/soysilk blend that also contains a smidge of chitin, which has antibacterial properties. Which is why it's really marketed as a true sock yarn--your feet produce a lot of bacteria, your shoulders, probably not so much. But I thought the slightly variegated, sort of stripey colorway fit the pattern, and I was knitting the shawl for someone living a warm climate, so I didn't want 100% wool. So there you go, a Tofutsies shawl.

I actually had some doubts as I was going along that the colorway and the feather and fan would really compliment each other--it's so hard to tell how anything will look while it's crumpled up in a ball on your lap.

But you know what happened once it was finished? I wanted to keep it for myself.

It's lofty and airy and, just, you know . . . pretty. I like to have pretty things.

Although truth be told, if it came out looking like a dishrag, I probably still would've wanted to keep it. I'm selfish like that.

The good news is, it didn't take long to get over my bout of selfishness, so I wrapped the shawl up and gently placed it in the appropriate swap package, which was mailed out on Friday. I sure hope the recipient likes it.

Ravelry link

This was, in fact, one of the projects I attempted to work on by candlelight. It was also one of the projects I quickly decided should not, in fact, be knit by candlelight. And I'm sure the recipient will appreciate that decision.

Now, I'm trying to finish up that baby baseball tee. As usual, I did some completely unscientific calculations in my head and decided I only needed one skein in each color, since I wasn't knitting the accompanying mittens. And as usual, I was wrong. So I had to rip back the front and back, and shorten them, in order to have enough yarn for the whole project. I did that yesterday, so now I have all the bits done--time to sew up and do the button placket. This is one baby project I might actually finish before the baby in question is born!
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment