Day 3

How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised?

I would call my yarn stash and related knitting paraphenalia relatively organized. Hey, no one's perfect, but for the most part, my yarn is in neat tidy bins and most of it's cataloged on Ravelry.

WIPs reside in a basket (although WIPs I'm actually working on seem to reside on one side of my couch). Needles are in rolls or binders.

I queue a LOT of patterns, but I clean out my queue regularly, when I realize I've become delusional about the number of things one person can knit in a lifetime. I'll even go so far as to say that the first page or so of my Rav queue includes notes on which yarns in my stash will be used. Planning--I haz it!

The only thing I'm missing is a bookshelf for my pattern books. For now, they call the floor of the bedroom home. You can't have everything.

Kristen Jancuk1 Comment