Stoma Covers: Gallery II

I have some more great stoma covers to show you guys, from Lynn, Pauline and Carrie!





You are all amazing, my mom's stoma cover wardrobe is just gorgeous!

I've also got a photo of the scarflet I knit up for my mom that I mentioned in a previous post (If you have strong powers of observation, you'll note that I took the photos of the last cover and this one IN the car, on the way to deliver them to my mom. Because I, um, don't plan ahead.):

Don't forget, I've extended the deadline for this contest to AUGUST 31, so you still have about 10 days to knit something up and get it in the mail. And I've got some good news: we have another prize! The lovely Betty has offered to donate a skein of Stonehedge Fiber Mill Shepherd's Wool to the prize mix, so we're up to 4 prizes.
Also, several crafters have pointed out an important omission on my part--I forgot to mention that my mom's name is Mary--and a card addressed to "Kristen's mom" doesn't have quite the same ring to it. So, there you go.

(My dad's name is Joseph. But no, no baby brothers named Jesus.)

Finally, you might notice that I finally got my act together to create a little badge for this project, over there on the right-hand sidebar. Feel free to use on your blog or wherever--the original file can be found here on flickr.

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