On accidents

I had a bit of a, um, yarn "accident" this afternoon:


I didn't intend to do any yarn shopping, but we got a call asking for a showing of the condo, so we had to make ourselves scarce for about an hour. What better way to do so than to visit Fibre Space??

I came away with just this, which I think shows at least some restraint. Sort of. Although with MD Sheep and Wool in just 2 weeks, I know I really shouldn't have bought anything.

Oh well.


I also wanted to give you guys a peek at the latest shipment I received from the Madelinetosh yarn club:


This is the new (I think?) Tosh Mo, a blend of superwash merino and kid mohair (70/30). I'm not usually one for mohair, but I don't find it scratchy or unruly in this blend. The yarn is soft, and the color is gorgeous, a silvery/sage/cream. Ravelry has it listed as a DK, but after knitting up a swatch, I definitely think it's a worsted. I'm hoping to turn it into a short-sleeved cardi, possibly this one (with, you know, short sleeves, obviously).

And last but certainly not least, these arrived in the mail, soon to become some new designs!


For someone hoping to move soon, I certainly am accumulating an absurd amount of yarn. 

Which brings me to another point: just over a week until my fundraiser for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America comes to an end! Now is the time to donate--you'll be entered to win a prize, and I'll be able to mail the prizes out, giving me one less thing to pack up and move. Do it today! We've got $350 to go until I reach my goal--so spread the word. Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry, tell everyone you know--small donations add up, and every bit counts!
Kristen JancukComment