Tuesdays with Dory

Don't waste your money on a cat bed, 'cause here's where I'm gonna sleep

Dear Dory,

My very dear friend has cat allergies, and just can't stand to be around my kitties. I don't want to shut them up in a room when she visits, what should I do??

Lonely in Lewisburg

Dear Lonely,

There's no such thing as cat allergies. Your so-called friend just hates cats and wants us to suffer.

Cut your losses and make new friends. Or adopt more cats.

Have a purrrrrr-fect day!


As you can see, Dory's not too sympathetic when it comes to human suffering. What do you expect, she's a cat! But she IS in favor of making donations to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, especially when it means you could win a knit-y prize!
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment