And the winner is . . .

(We're preempting Tuesdays with Dory to bring you this fundraiser update; Dory will return to her regularly scheduled time slot next week!)

Yippie, we made it through the fundraiser, and raised $375! A big, big thanks to everyone who donated and promoted this event, as usual I'm amazed by your generosity! Truly.

And now, People Who've Won Things!

But first . . . I decided to do this the old-fashioned way. I wrote down names on a piece of paper, cut it into strips and folded them in half.


Then I went in search of my favorite Orioles hat. It seemed important to use it for this auspicious occasion.

But I couldn't find it.

I searched and searched.

Along the way, I got distracted by this, which arrived in the mail today:


And in the end, I never found the hat. Where are you, treasured pink Orioles cap?!?

But I digress.

I ended up using this Oh Snap project bag instead:


So, without further ado, here are the ten winners:



Susan D-H.

Dacia (what a fun name!)

Deirdre K.

Betty C.

Julie M.



Judy W.

Congrats all!

Here's the next step: send me an email ( with your name, mailing address and Ravelry ID. Please also tell me what crafts you do (knit, crochet, spin)--I have a couple prizes that are craft-specific, and I don't want to, for example, send spinning fiber to someone who doesn't spin.

I will pick prizes at random and send them to you.

You will receive them, and hopefully be happy!

If I don't hear from you, I'll try to use my highly-developed investigative skills to track down your contact information, but since I only have a name to go on, I may never find you. So, don't miss out on your prize, email me ASAP!

To anyone who may have missed out, while this particular fundraiser has ended, I will still be trying to raise money for the CCFA until June 9, so please feel free to donate!

And now, you may recall that before I started begging you for money 3 times a week, I used to talk about knitting! I think I'll get back to doing that tomorrow!