Saturday Sampler: 'Round the Virtual Neighborhood

Yet another exhilarating meeting at the office has kept me away from the computer most of the week (not sure which was my favorite part: translating a 2,500 word Spanish-language proposal into English inside two hours, or still being at the office at 9pm).

Fortunately Dory was able to contribute her regular Tuesday post, and today we're going to take another Saturday spin around teh Interwebz. I did manage to put together my very first video tutorial before the meeting started, so I'll have that up for you guys soon! For now . . .

This Ikea hack to make your own built-in bookcases is amazing!

This baked zucchini fries are absolutely delicious, even made with regular bread crumbs.

This Abbey Road shower curtain might need to find a home in our new house.

Black beans as a natural dye for yarn! And you can still eat them!

Check out some of the gorgeous yarn in Wandering Wool's Etsy shop!

And did you know that Leann over at Forbidden Woolery is offering her first yarn club??

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, so that means I'll be spending most of today frantically trying to finish mom's featherweight cardigan--wish me luck!