Saturday Sampler: 'Round the Virtual Neighborhood

You may have noticed that Tuesdays with Dory didn't appear this week. This is because I spent all of Tuesday thinking (desperately hoping?) it was Wednesday. I didn't even listen when Dory tried to tell me I was wrong. So I accidentally took over Dory's day with a post about sheep. Boy is she grumpy. But I think I can talk her into making her usual appearance next week.

If I don't accidentally pack her up in a box before then:

In the meantime, a look at some fun things to be found on the Internet.

I don't speak, uh, Norwegian? But, look! Knit wallpaper:

Saw a gorgeously styled white craft table over at Pottery Barn for a mere $1100, and then discovered this much cheaper alternative, less than half the price:

Love this color block towels kit from Knit Picks:

Really want some of Tricksy Knitter's notebooks and needle gauges:

 I stopped in Fibre Space yesterday to pick up my Stitch N Pitch tickets and stumbled across some GORGEOUS yarn from Hedgehog Fibres. I managed to talk myself out of buying some, but it wasn't easy!

The Knitmore Girls recommended the Knit Evenly app, to help you increase and decrease evenly--of course, I downloaded it immediately, because math = gross.

This blog full of unnecessary quotation marks is "hilarious."

And here's a picture of my other cat Nelly, just because:


Prize winners from the CCFA fundraiser should be happy to hear that I've finished sorting out the prizes, and they'll be going out in the mail next week! If you won an e-download of some kind, it's been sent, so check your Ravelry inbox!

I have lots of packing to do this weekend, but I'm also hoping to re-record my video tutorial on Judy's magic cast on--wish me luck!