Saturday Sampler: 'Round the Virtual Neighborhood

Thanks to everyone who has commented so far on my Blogiversary Giveaway post--I'm gathering up lots of project ideas! Don't forget to leave a comment on the giveaway post by June 1 to be entered to win a grab bag of yarn!

I hope everyone is enjoying his or her Saturday. I'd love to say that I plan to spend the day outside enjoying the first blast of summer weather, but instead, the following things are happening:

1. We are moving in 26 days.
2. We have to spend a week in Costa Rica before we move, which cuts the number of packing days remaining down to 19.
3. My mother-in-law arrives tomorrow for an ill-timed 4 day visit.

Last month CP's mom called and announced that she had to use up her miles before they expired, and therefore wanted to come visit us at the end of May. CP was apparently deaf to my suggestion that 3 weeks before we pack up and move to another state is probably not the best time for a house guest, so there you have it.

(I also feel the need to mention that over the last week, we've received 20+ packages for her in the mail--so not only are we trying to pack for our move, we're also simultaneously operating a postal annex.)

So while I spend the day intermittently packing, cleaning the condo and getting the spare room ready for our visitor, I hope you guys will enjoy perusing these interesting things I found on the Internet this week.

This onesie will be a must-have when I get pregnant!

 Use mason jars to dispense yarn!

This bag is calling out to me.

A new Simon's Cat!

You can't go wrong with Blueberries and Brie. It was fantastic.

Love this rustic looking Shire String from Younger Yarn.

Everyone enjoy the long weekend!