On the build up

Tomorrow promises to be a great day. Not only do I have my baby shower to look forward to, but I'll be releasing that pattern I keep chattering about. Are you excited yet?

I mentioned a giveaway, right?

It'll be one of those standard deals: leave a comment, you're entered to win. But you'll earn extra entries by sharing on Facebook and/or Twitter, so get those increasingly-burdensome social media accounts ready!

You might even want to follow me over on Twitter (mediaperuana) or "like" MediaPeruana Designs over on Facebook. Just in case it proves useful.

The contest will only run for about a week, so I can get the yarn and pattern to the big winner well before Christmas.

Did I say it's mittens?

It's mittens!

Who doesn't need mittens in December?

Well, ok, probably not people in Florida. Or Texas. Or California either.

But most of us are going to be cold from now until April, and we need mittens.


Ok, enough of that.

In the meantime, I've been working on other, less secretive, projects.

I originally intended to design a hat for CP for the winter, but swiftly ran out of designing mojo, so I knit this one instead:


This is the Brattleboro hat from New England Knits, knit in Dragonfly Fibers Super Djinni, colorway That Ole Chestnut. Loved this yarn, so squishy. I have quite a bit leftover, so I think our little bichito might just get a hat to match his Papi's.

(It only occurred to me very recently--like last month--that the baby would call CP Papi rather than Daddy.)

The pattern is very straightforward, so reworking the numbers for a baby hat should be relatively easy.

Famous last words.

I also whipped up a pair of felted slippers for a swap, Duffers:


Slippers, particularly felted ones, are hard to photograph, due to their inherently boring, lumpy shape. Nevertheless, I enjoyed most of this project: it was a quick knit, worked in Cascade 220 (held double). I would've preferred to knit in the round, directions for which are provided in the pattern, but I don't have 2 sets of size 11 needle tips (nor do I intend to buy a 2nd set, as I rarely use them). Still, seaming was fairly painless (and since they're felted, you don't have to worry about the seams being flawless, which is always a plus in my book).

What wasn't painless was the felting. Up and down, up and down, back and forth, back and forth to the washing machine to check their progress. I'm too pregnant for that. Once they were done, though, I stuffed them with newspaper to hold their shape and set them in front a window fan. They were dry in 24 hours.

If I can stomach more felting, I'll surely knit up more of these. I bet they'd make great holiday gifts.

Ok, I can't resist. Preview photo of tomorrow's pattern release:
