On holiday giving
After spending the morning spreading the word about the Columbia Inn Mittens (oh, hey, now available on Craftsy too!), I spent Saturday afternoon at a party that was all about me and bichito: the baby shower!
It was wonderful to be able to catch up with family and friends, and bichito will be one spoiled baby, he got clothes and toys galore. One of my awesome friends even crocheted him a Harry Potter blanket--which is a great relief to me, because I was planning to try to knit one, but was overwhelmed by the very idea.
The somewhat amazing and horrifying part, though, is how much we still need to get!
For example, apparently having your baby sleep in a dresser drawer is frowned upon. So, I guess we'll have to get a bassinet.
It was wonderful to be able to catch up with family and friends, and bichito will be one spoiled baby, he got clothes and toys galore. One of my awesome friends even crocheted him a Harry Potter blanket--which is a great relief to me, because I was planning to try to knit one, but was overwhelmed by the very idea.
The somewhat amazing and horrifying part, though, is how much we still need to get!
For example, apparently having your baby sleep in a dresser drawer is frowned upon. So, I guess we'll have to get a bassinet.
Me and my two most eager babysitters: my sister and my goddaughter, who is somehow 19-years-old.
We have just 10 weeks to go, so I guess we'd better start shopping!

With all of the holiday excitement, baby excitement, etc., it's easy to forget that just a few short weeks ago, millions of families were affected by Hurricane Sandy, and many are still recovering. We've heard about the crazy lines to gas up cars, the flooding, and the lack of power. One of the stories I found most heartbreaking was about people's pets. Many people were separated from their pets during the storm, others can't return to their homes and need to find shelter for their pets while they bounce around houses.
Our 2 little monsters are a part of our family. I don't know what I would do if we lost them.
The ASPCA has been working in the areas most affected by the hurricane to reunite pets and owners, and to set up temporary shelters for pets whose owners have lost their homes. It seems like a small thing, but imagine how relieved your would feel, knowing your pet is safe and sound.
This holiday season, December 1 - January 1, I'll be donating 25% of pattern sales to the ASPCA. I think they're doing amazing work, and hope they'll continue to provide hurricane victims with peace of mind, protecting their furry friends.