On WIPing in the New Year

(I just tried to blog from my iPad, and it totally didn't work. Given that Apple and Google hate each other, I don't know why I thought it would.)

Dad's Christmas socks: blocking!

BMP space invaders hand knit socks

They're, uh, a bit big.

But the important thing is, they're finished.

And with that, my Christmas knitting is done.

Well, sorta.

I did start those mittens for CP, and they're not done, but, you know, I live with him. He can get his mittens whenever.

While it's tempting to cast on something new after weeks of furious Christmas knitting, I've decided instead to WIP in the New Year. December 25 - January 1, I'll be working on finishing up some WIPs, specifically 2 pair of languishing socks, my Dahlia Cardigan, and my Rocky Coast Cardigan, which still needs new sleeves. Plus, sock darning! Updates to follow.

Won't you join me to WIP in the New Year?

To all those who celebrate, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and stockings full of yarn.

Kristen JancukFO2 Comments