Organize your Knitting Life: New Year Guidance

If you resolved to get more organized in 2013--and specifically to organize your knitting life better--you should check out the series WEBS is currently running on their blog:

I'm a little behind myself--but it's only Day 6, so there's time to catch up. WIP organization was the topic for the first five days, and now we're moving on to tackling the stash.

I did a little WIP purge late last year, but I need to take a serious, long, hard look at my WIPs and make some tough decisions. And while my stash is stuffed in drawers and out of the way, it's hardly organized. So I'm quite excited to embark on both tasks, particularly now that I have the time to do it, before baby arrives.

Another project I decided to pursue this weekend all on my own was winding yarn. I have plenty of projects in the pipeline, and while I suppose I could take to wearing skeins of yarn around my neck and calling it a scarf, caked yarn is much more useful.

The biggest challenge here was the yarn for my planned mommy-and-me cardigans--the Coolbreeze cardigan features 8 colors, in addition to the main color, so I had plenty to wind:


Note to self: use only caked/balled yarn for future colorwork projects.

Still, seeing it all wound is really motivating me to get started.

The plan: first, knit the cardigan for myself, as it will take the most time, and use the most yarn. Then, once complete, start the baby cardigan, aiming for a size he'll be able to wear when the weather turns cool again (let's face it, these cardigans aren't going to be completed by the time the weather warms in April/May, so it's better to plan for November-ish--cutesy Christmas cards for 2013??).

And I think you'll all be happy to hear that Dory will be back for her regular post tomorrow. What helpful information will she share? Who knows. At least she's cute.