Tuesdays with Dory: Baby Edition


It's safe in the box.

Well, a few weeks ago, Kristen brought home The Baby. He makes a lot of noise and doesn't smell great. He's also getting all my usual attention--so I've had to behave extra badly to get noticed. I've been stealing yarn out of Kristen's leftovers bag and dragging it all over the house. 

I'm still not entirely certain what The Baby is, though. If he were a Person, I would be hiding in the closet. But he's too small and immobile to be a Person. He's definitely not another kitteh either--or I would be hissing and throwing a huge fit. 

So as long as I'm confused about what he is, I've decided to just ignore him.

And stay in my box, just to be on the safe side.
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment