Event Recap: Homespun Yarn Party


I'm happy to report that I did make it to the Homespun Yarn Party! And I have to admit, I was quite surprised--I was imagining something relatively modest, but while the space was small, it was hopping.

The Party was held at an old mill that's been converted into a pseudo-mall, next door to some adventure park ziplining thing. I spent my first 30 minutes there driving around looking for a parking space--not promising. I thought my first baby-free outing was going to be a bust. But finally, someone left and I zoomed into the space.

Once I got into the Party itself, I was not disappointed. Yarn everywhere. And unlike MD Sheep and Wool, the weather was perfect for handknits, so I saw lots of gorgeous sweaters (though it was a bit warm in the room). I wore my Rocky Coast cardigan, and got loads of compliments.

I made a beeline for Wandering Wool--I've been wanting to try more of Joelle's yarns, but given that she's in D.C., it seems a little silly to have it shipped to me. I'm especially excited to have grabbed this gorgeous single ply fingering weight:


(Shown with some Dragonfly Fibers Djinni sock--love it!)

I don't like single ply for socks, but I think it will be absolutely beautiful in a shawl.

I also got to meet Joelle, who I'm pretty sure was wearing a Dark and Stormy cardigan--one of the many sweaters in my never-ending queue.

I picked up some yarn from another local favorite, Neighborhood Fiber Co.:


This will hopefully become a sweater for JJ.


And also grabbed this tonal worsted weight from new-to-me Wild Hare Fibre Studio:


(Shown with the other yarn I grabbed from Wandering Wool!)

She had this other fun-looking yarn in her booth as well--not my style, but still impressive:

I browsed Cephalopod Yarns and the Verdant Gryphon, but I already have plenty of both in my stash, so I skipped any additional purchases.

My wallet thanked me.

I even ran into a couple of knitters from the House Cup! I'm on sabbatical this term, but I've really missed all the fun and games over there, I can't wait to go back next term (if they'll have me).

Then--then!--I saw a baby in a handknit sweater, and decided it was time to get home to my little one. Upon my return I promptly showed him the yarn I bought him, but he seemed less than impressed.
