Enabling: Fall Yarn Club

Ok, so, it's definitely not even close to being fall yet, but as with pretty much everything, it will be here before you know it. And since fall is my favorite season, I love just about anything that will get me in the mood for it.
Enter Forbidden Woolery's brand spanking new Fall Yarn Club! Forbidden Woolery is the yarn and fiber dye shop of Leann Ross, one of the amazing ladies behind Nimblestix, and one of my Internet knitting buddies (I haven't met her in real life, though I hope we'll be remedying that in October--more on that later). She's been on hiatus since having a wee one in December, but it looks like she's back to the dye pots and cooking up lots of goodies for knitters and spinners alike.
Her 3-month fall club will be apple-inspired, and offer 3 options: fingering weight, laceweight, and fiber. Obviously I can't possibly know what kind of colors she'll have available in this club, but just look at all these yummies she's sold in the past.
She'll also be offering up some fun extras, like new products from her upcoming "Forbidden Essentials" line of lotions, wool wash, and more.
Get a jump start on fall, and check out this yarn club ASAP!