Wittle Wednesdays: A Winner


Someone adorable is 8 months old today! So, since he was the inspiration for the Javi sweater, I think I'll go ahead and announce the giveaway winner. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, the winner of the Javi sweater kit is . . .


She'll receive a copy of the pattern, along with Wool of the Andes Sport yarn in the color combo of her choice, and buttons to finish the sweater. Sarah, please email me at mediaperuana at gmail.com so we can coordinate!

Thanks to everyone who entered this giveaway, it was lovely to hear so many nice comments about the sweater.

One commenter expressed an interest in seeing this as an adult sweater--I'm already thinking about it! I'm imagining a closer fit, thinner stripes, and something more "grown up" with the sleeves. I'll keep you guys posted.

Another commenter had nice things to say about JJ's hair in the pattern photos, so I feel obligated to show you what JJ's hair usually looks like:


OK, that's actually his bed head, but his hair is slightly wavy, and gets disheveled ridiculously easily. The results of brushing are very short lived.

But I digress . . .

Thanks again to everyone who entered the sweater kit giveaway--and as a special thank you, I'm offering a promo code for my Ravelry pattern store. Purchase the Javi pattern, and get any of my other patterns FREE. Use code "JAVI." Good through October 10.

I've got one more pattern making its debut in October, so please check back soon to read about my very first adult sweater!