Delayed Bind Off: Pembroke Vest

Sifting through my posts, I realized I never told you guy about this little gem.

Since I didn't finish our matching sweaters in time for our family photos, I decided to have JJ wear another handknit, which was primarily intended for Christmas Eve mass.

Of course, now it's been so long since I knit it, I'm not sure what I have to say.

Pattern: Pembroke Vest by Kirsten Kapur
Yarn: Knit Picks Swish Tonal in Pearlescent, about 250 yards 
Size: 12 months
Mods: none, but I have a "shoulda, coulda, woulda."

This is a free pattern (yay!) and was fairly straightforward--knit flat in 2 pieces, lots of cabling, buttons at the shoulder to get it over giant baby heads. My "shoulda coulda woulda" is that both front and back are cabled--and who looks at the back? No one, that's who. If I knit this again, I would make the back plain. It would make this a much faster project.

Otherwise, smooth sailing, and a great baby project.

These photos, meanwhile, were taken by Ashley Dougherty, a local photographer who did an amazing job. And by happy coincidence (no, really!), we're featured in her latest blog post, so you can stop by and see a few different photos, should you be so inclined.

Kristen JancukFO, baby, vest1 Comment