Happy Birthday, JJ!

My sweet little peanut turned 1 on Sunday!

I can't really wrap my brain around it--an entire year has gone by, and he's becoming a real little person. He's not talking yet, but he understands a lot. If you ask him for a kiss, he'll give you one (well, ok, he'll kinda gum the side of your face--close enough). When his annoying toy Scout says "I love you," he gives him a kiss too. He spends most of the day bringing me books to read to him. When I sing the Winnie the Pooh song, he'll crawl over to his giant Pooh bear and bop him on the head. He's walking more and more, feeding himself, jabbering nonsense all day long.

We celebrated on his birthday with a big party, lots of family and friends. Despite the fact that I nearly forgot to give out the favor bags I put together, and did forget to set up the "Pin the Nose on the Lion" game I bought for the kids, I remembered this important Polish 1st birthday tradition:

You present baby with a shot glass, a rosary, and a coin, and see which one he picks. He made a grab for the rosary, but changed his mind at the last second and went for the money.

Apparently the shot glass was his second choice, he seemed more interested in that than the cake.

(For the record, my parents cannot remember which my sister and I picked.)

He was really unsure about cake. I made him his own smash cake, but very little smashing happened.

Though he did briefly consider this option.

And he got more toys than any baby needs. We actually put a few away--with a birthday right after Christmas, it's a toy deluge, and then a toy drought for the rest of the year, so we plan to spread them out a bit. At least until he's old enough to catch on.

JJ wanted to share the fun, so he advised me to put the Javi sweater pattern on sale in honor of his birthday.

So until February15, you can pick it up for just $2.99. No coupon code needed, the discount will be added automatically after you put it in your cart. Enjoy!