CCFA Fundraiser - Let's Go!

It's time!

Time to start the big 2014 fundraiser for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America!

You have from today, April 1, until May 31 at midnight to make a donation through this link.

And why would you want to do that?

Well, let me tell you.

First, EVERY SINGLE person who donates will receive a brand new SURPRISE pattern from yours truly.

Here's what I can tell you about it: it's socks. And they're stranded. And they're pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.

This new pattern will remain a super secret until the fundraiser ends and prizes have been awarded, so donors will be the very first people to get a copy.

But that's not the real incentive.

No, the real incentive is this AMAZING collection of prizes!

Joelle from Wandering Wool is offering up this gorgeous skein of her High Peaks sock yarn, a Merino/Cashmere/Nylon blend, in Copper Penny.

 Shayla from Alina Shea Creations has donated 2 beautiful skeins of yarn. First, this skein of MCN Shmerino Moon in the Belladonna colorway:

And this skein of Crystal Moon Merino/Silk blend in Sweet Pea--an exclusive club colorway that is not available for purchase!

This lovely skein of Verdant Gryphon in Dyeing Poison Frog is up for grabs:

Plus, this skein of Madelinetosh Tosh Sport in Well Water:

A 4 oz braid of blue-faced leicester from Misty Mountain Farm, in colorway Cantaloupe:

Hillary from The Yarniad (creator of Citron, one of the best patterns ever--and FREE!) has offered a bunch of pattern downloads for this giveaway! That means you could get this:

Or this

Or this

Or another pattern in her Ravelry shop. FIVE people will win a pattern download from Hillary, because she's super awesome like that.

A very thoughtful blog reader, Betty, has donated a copy of the book Haiku Knits for this fundraiser.

You can see all the designs in this Japanese-inspired volume here.

I also have a copy of Contemporary Irish Knits to give away

And a copy of Fitted Knits

Wow. That's quite a collection of prizes, right?

And I'm hoping to add a few more before our 2 months are up! But more on that later . . .

For every $5 you donate, you'll get one entry into a drawing for one of these fantastic prizes. So $10 = 2 entries, $25 = 5 entries, etc. I'm sure you can do the math.

I'll also give you additional entries for using social media sites to spread the word about the fundraiser. In the very near future (possibly tonight, but let's face it: it took me the entire day to write this blog post, so more likely tomorrow), you'll find a pin on my Pinterest page, a link on MediaPeruana Designs' Facebook page, and a tweet on Twitter about this fundraiser. Repin, share, and/or retweet, and I'll give you an extra entry in the drawing.

(Sorry, sharing is caring, but these drawing entries are additional; you have to make a donation too!)

And don't forgot: please don't donate anonymously! You don't have to give your full, real name if you prefer not to, but I need some way to identify you.

I think that covers the basics, but if you have any questions, be sure to email me at mediaperuana at

Now, let's start raising some money!