Off the Needles: 2015 Reading Challenge

In these first years of parenting--when your kids can only entertain themselves for about 5 minutes at a time and will immediately get into trouble the instant you turn your back--you find yourself giving up many of the hobbies and pastimes that you used to have time for. Free time is at a premium.

Obviously, I've prioritized knitting--if I do manage to wrangle some free time, that's generally how I spend it. But in the pre-baby days, I used to read. A lot. Reading has fallen by the wayside, due to both lack of time and lack of brain power (fallout from sleep deprivation), but I'm hoping to return to my bookish ways in 2015.

I found this reading challenge on PopSugar, of all places, and thought it looked like fun--working on a list like this is far more likely to get results than just saying, "Gee, I think I'll try to read more." So I'm starting things off slowly with Diana Gabaldon's popular Outlander.

I'll try to keep track of what I'm reading and planning to read over on Goodreads, and update you guys here if I read anything particularly fantastic.

And if you're also current or lapsed bibliophile, might I recommend the Literary Disco podcast? Not suitable for small ears, but hilarious.

Printable challenge checklist here.

Kristen JancukComment