Motivation Monday: Window Shopping

I'm proud to report that it's now January 12, and I still haven't bought any yarn! This is quite an accomplishment, considering all the beautiful yarn photos I keep seeing on Ravelry, Twitter, and Instagram. Here's what I would be buying, if I could:


Gnome Acres Do Ewe Lurve Me seasonal colorway (preorder on various bases)


Desert Vista Dyeworks self-striping sock in Convo Me


Simply Socks Yarn Company Poste self-striping sock in Heartbreak Hotel


Manos del Uruguay Lace (alpaca/silk/cashmere!), shown in Laila


Voolenvine Blitzed sock in Voolenvine No. 1


Gradient Kit from Kismet Fiberworks in Lucky Penny

Fibre Co. Road to China Lace.

Are you stashing down in 2015? What yarns are calling your name?

All photos courtesy of the respective yarn company.

Kristen Jancuk1 Comment