Love Your Blog Challenge Week 4: Gratitude

A Playful Day

It's the last week of A Playful Day's Love Your Blog Challenge, and this week it's all about gratitude.

That makes sending out a big "thank you" to all my readers a no brainer--so, THANK YOU! Thank you for reading what I write, looking at my pictures, offering thoughtful comments and being part of a fiber arts community that encourages sharing and mutual support. Thank you for supporting my blog and my pattern design business. Thank you for loving yarn and knitting as much as I do!

But this also seems like a good opportunity to encourage you to thank a blogger who has inspired you--maybe one of their designs or handknits inspired a new project for you, maybe they offer a tutorial you found immensely helpful, maybe they flashed their stash and introduced you to a yarn you love, or maybe they talked about something totally unrelated to knitting that you felt a connection with. Whatever the case, I encourage you to leave a comment on their blog or send them an email just to say "thanks"--it's easy to get lost in the anonymity of the Internet and forget that there are real people behind the stories and pictures. And a heartfelt "thank you" can really make someone's day! (Especially a Monday. Ugh.)

And lastly, a big thank you to Kate from A Playful Day for sponsoring the Love Your Blog challenge, putting together thoughtful prompts, and sharing her own reflections on blogging! She is truly helping all of her readers and followers to have An Inspired 2015.


I hope you enjoyed these Love Your Blog Challenge posts. They've really given me an opportunity to reflect on my blog and the direction it's going. And I find having a prompt to work from really useful when I'm exhausted and can't brain enough to find something to say (I lost track after 5 wake-ups last night, so needless to say, Oliver is taking his Wake Your Parents Challenge very seriously). In fact, I've decided to keep going with the prompt-based blogging and participate in the 6th annual Knit and Crochet Blog Week, which starts May 11. And in the meantime, I'm going to have another cup of coffee and try to wake up enough to take photos of all my WIPs to share!