Miraflores and Dream in Color Jilly Giveaway!
Happy Easter!
Easter is over, and I'm already thinking about the next holiday: Mother's Day (mark your calendars for Sunday, May 10!). Whenever my mother comes to my house she complains about how cold it is (70 degrees in the winter, guys--that's pretty reasonable, right?), borrows a (handknit, of course) sweater and tries to leave with it. This despite the fact that everything I've ever knit her has either been shrunk beyond repair in the dryer or is so full of moth holes it looks like lace. So my plan is to knit her a sweater just to keep at my house, where I know it will be cared for, but won't matter so much if she does manage to go home still wearing it because it's not part of my own beloved collection. I've cast on a Lady Sunnyside in the purplest Yowza you've ever seen.
Thinking about a handknit for your mom for Mother's Day? How about Miraflores? It knits up quickly and is perfect for not-quite-warm May days. In fact, how about I give a copy away? And maybe some yarn too--why the heck not? This is pretty lovely, don't you think?
Photo courtesy of Dream in Color
To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight on Wednesday, April 15 telling me about your best Mother's Day gift--one you gave or one you received. (Don't forget to include your Ravelry ID or some other way to contact you!) I'll pick a random commenter to win this gorgeous skein of Dream in Color Jilly in Angel and a copy of the Miraflores pattern.
Good luck!