30 Day Creative Cleanse

Folks, the year is half over.

I repeat: HALF. OVER.

Incredible. Where did the time go?

The year's halfway point seems like a good time to take stock of things. 

Miraflores, Pradera, Annapolis patterns from MediaPeruana Designs

I've published 3 designs this year, which is not terrible, but also not as prolific as I'd like to be. 

I've also done a few educational blog posts/series that I enjoyed writing and hope to do more of.

The greatest challenge, of course, is that I work on this blog and my design business in fits and spurts when I can find the time--a few minutes during naptime, an hour or 2 in the evenings. I try to dedicate more time on the weekends when Martin is here to wrangle the kids, but there are chores to catch up on, birthday parties to attend and family activities to enjoy. Figuring out how to dedicate more time to this work is on my to-do list, but it usually falls to the bottom. My full time "job" is being a mom, for the foreseeable future.

What might be more pressing, though, is making the best use of the time that is available to me. So to that end, I've decided to spend July working on the 30 Day Creative Cleanse. I stumbled across this while browsing Pinterest (see what I mean about making better use of my time?), and it seems like a good way to focus, take stock, get organized and make sure I'm following the right path for my business. It's also a great tool for bloggers looking to give their blogs more focus and direction.

I'll try to post a weekly update on how the cleanse is going and what insights it has given me--if any--into this whole "creative business" thing. 

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