12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

MediaPeruana Designs independently published 12 new patterns in 2016, so we're in good shape to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas! Here's what I've cooked up for you: 

This special holiday giveaway will span the Ravelry group, Instagram and Facebook! You’ll want to follow me on all 3 for the best chance to win.

Beginning tomorrow, December 1, each week day I’ll give away a copy of one of the 12 patterns I self-published in 2016. Then on Day 13, I’ll randomly pick one lucky winner to receive ALL 12 PATTERNS.


Each week day (December 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) I’ll post of a photo of the day’s giveaway pattern in a new thread in the Ravelry group, on Instagram and on Facebook. To be entered to win, just leave a comment in the day’s thread, or on the photo on Instagram or Facebook. (Yes, if you leave a comment on all 3 sites, you’ll be entered 3 times!) I’ll pick a random winner each day.

Then on December 19, I’ll pick one commenter from the previous 12 days to win ALL 12 PATTERNS! Only catch? I’m going to announce the winner in my newsletter, so you have to be on my email list to find out if you’ve won!


The 12 patterns included in this giveaway are, in no particular order
Plum Pudding
Cunningham Falls
Admiral Fell
Charm City Shawlette
Annabel Lee
34th Street
Hollins Ferry
Eutaw Street


1.       You must be a member of the MediaPeruana Designs Ravelry group, follow MediaPeruana Designs on Instagram or “like” MediaPeruana Designs on Facebook to earn an entry on each of those platforms.

2.       If you win a pattern or patterns you’ve already purchased, I will refund your original purchase price (as indicated in my pattern sales history on Ravelry), or you may choose to substitute another MediaPeruana Designs indie-published pattern of equal value.

3.       Winners may choose to receive patterns via Ravelry or email.

Questions? Hop over to the Ravelry group and ask away!

Kristen JancukComment