Nourish 2017: Checking In

Well, the year is half over. More than half over—July itself is nearly half over which is just incredible.

So it seems like a good time to check in on progress in reaching my 2017 goals

You might recall, in December I set my watchword for 2017: Nourish. My goal was to nourish myself, my business and my relationships.

I’ve been doing yoga regularly (3-5 times a week!), eating pretty healthy, trying to nurture my family relationships with more activities and interaction, and also trying to learn and try new things in order nourish my business.

All in all, I’m making progress, but I think the mid-point of the year is a good time to reevaluate and double my efforts—life is busiest in the summer and fall, into the holiday season, so these are the times it will be hardest to focus on my goals.

And speaking of goals, what about the specific goals I set for 2017? Well . . .

·         Knit 4 sweaters for myself.  Erm. Well. I’ve got about ¼ of 2 different sweaters done . . .

·         Start teaching. I’ve developed some courses and started reaching out to shops—let’s see what happens! I’ve also got my very first e-course in the works—more on that soon. Ish.

·         Take at least 3 classes/workshops. 2 out of 3 done! I took 2 great classes at TNNA to help grow my business; I’d like to take an actual crafting workshop some time in the fall and learn something new.

·         Collaborate. I’ve got the Urban Creative Exploration underway, and am also currently designing a sweater for a yarn company’s sweater club—not too shabby.

It’s perhaps no surprise here that I’m really only failing in the selfish thing I wanted to do. But 6 months is plenty of time to knit a couple sweaters! I recently cast on the Camaro sweater and it’s addictive! It’s moving fast and I wouldn’t be surprised to find it done within the next month!

Did you set goals for 2017? How are you doing?

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