September 2018 Wrap-up!

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Looks like I spaced a bit on doing a September wrap-up—it’s already October 8! But here’s everything that happened around MediaPeruana Designs last month:

  • I re-released the Corteza mitts and Lewisburg pullover patterns

  • The Marina di Chioggia capelet patterns was published in I Like Knitting’s October issue

  • Sign-ups for the Currituck Sound not-mystery knit-a-long (NMKAL) opened—sign up by October 21 to participate!

  • I put out a call for sponsors for the NMKAL—if you’re interested in sponsoring, details are on the NMKAL page

  • I re-started my sample for the NMKAL because my colors just weren’t working, and I had to come to terms with that

  • The Down Cellar Studio Pigskin Party KAL kicked off last month and MediaPeruana Designs is once again a sponsor—earn bonus points when you use MPD patterns throughout the KAL

  • Samples are now available for purchase on the site

A pretty busy September, and October is already moving fast!