2018: Balance

balance 2018.png

2017 was about nourishing different areas of my life. 2018 will be about BALANCE.

The idea of balance in life is something of a cliche, but it's a necessity for me after the way 2017 concluded. I'm still struggling with anxiety/depression and I hope a more balanced year will help me get things sorted out--or at least more manageable.

So what does balanced mean?

It means less work and more play.

It means more self-care.

It means sometimes putting myself first.

It means saying "no" sometimes.

It means letting go of "mommy guilt."

It means asking for help when I need it. 

It means quality over quantity.

In terms of MediaPeruana Designs, it means focusing on producing a smaller number of quality designs. It means taking time off every quarter. And it means not spending my weeks caring for 2 small kids and then locking myself in my studio to work on designs all weekend.

It also means focusing on things that I believe truly help my business, and letting go of things that don't. So you'll see more of me on Instagram and less on Facebook, where an average of 25 whole people see my posts. My newsletter will still go out on Thursdays, but not every single week. I will maintain this website, but update it less frequently because it gets minimal traffic. I'll be hiring more sample knitters rather than stressing myself out trying to knit to multiple deadlines. And I'll be saying no to projects and events that offer nothing more than exposure. 

So, how about some design and knitting goals for the year?

  • 10 new pattern releases (including an upcoming collection, Juntos)
  • 6 new SELFISH knits for me me me
  • finish 1 existing WIP each month
  • launch Swatch Master
  • cold sheep (except for fiber fests/events)

What does 2018 have in store for you? Any plans, goals or a watchword? Share in the comments!