Month in Review: November 2018

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A quick wrap-up for November 2018:

  • The next set of patterns from Juntos: Knits for Togetherness was published. It included the Vilcanota vest for women, and the Urubamba vest for men and kids.

  • The Indie Design Gift-a-Long kicked off with a big sale. I nearly doubled my sales from last year, so thanks to all for your support! Even if you missed the sale, you can still get in on all the -along fun—find all the details in the Ravelry group.

  • I shared a book review for the first time in a while. I can’t recommend Norah Gaughan’s Knitted Cable Sourcebook enough.

  • I also shared my secret shame when wearing store-bought sweaters.

That’s about it for November—but December’s already off to a running start, stay tuned for 3 new patterns this month!