October Wrap Up

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October is somehow over already! Here’s a quick recap of everything that happened with MediaPeruana Designs last month:

  • The Currituck Sound not-mystery knit-a-long kicked off. Everyone is busily working on their shawls. The final pattern will be made available to everyone in early December.

  • I hosted my annual birthday sale, and everyone who deciphered the clues got 38% off their pattern purchase.

  • Somewhat delayed after Mental Health Awareness Week, I shared a bit of my story dealing with generalized anxiety disorder.

  • The promo pattern for new subscribers this quarter is Pumpkin Butter—get it for free when you join the newsletter.

  • I welcomed a new Patreon Patron, Holly.

  • I did some reflecting on my business and decided I will dedicate 2019 to making MPD viable—meaning I earn a fair income proportional to the work I put into it. If I can’t, then I’ll be moving on in 2020.

  • I was encouraged by Slow Fashion October to do some fashion-soul searching. I created a personal style mood board, which I hope to use to inspire my 2019 designs, cleaned out my closet, and—eek!—paired down my stash to make sure my yarns actually reflect my style.

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Lots on the docket for November—let’s see how it goes!