Off the Needles August--an Instagram Challenge

Can you believe--I mean, seriously wrap your head around the fact that--it's July 26?!?

Summer is flying by.

The good news is, that means it's almost time for Off the Needles August!

OTN August is my annual Instagram challenge to get us ALL ready for fall knitting!

You know what I mean--September arrives, all those gorgeous fall knitting patterns start dropping, and you're ready to cast on. But your needles are tied up in WIPs, your project bags are full, and you spend a few days pretending you're NOT going to cast on before you finally give in.

And your WIPs languish.

So, let's spend August clearing off the needles, finishing your WIPs, and emptying your project bags so you're ready to cast on new fall knits GUILT FREE.

Here's how it works: make sure you're following me on Instagram, and then, throughout the month of August, post photos of your WIPs (and FOs, I hope!) with the tag #OTNAugust17 for a chance to win some free patterns!

That's it--easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

So, go through your WIP basket(s), gather all the projects you'd love to finish up this summer, make sure you've got all the yarn and tools you need--the challenge starts Tuesday, August 1!