The Selfish KAL: Join us January 1

How's that holiday knitting going? Icing your hands yet? I know the likelihood of both of my children having new Christmas sweaters is diminishing every day! Such is the life of the knitter.

After all this knitting for everyone on our gift lists, I think the new year calls for a little selfish knitting--so I'm inviting you to join me for a special self-centered knit-a-long that starts New Year's Day!

This one's a relaxed KAL, nothing fancy--just pick any MediaPeruana Designs pattern, find the perfect yarn, and cast-on a project JUST FOR YOU on January 1. We'll knit together through the toughest months of the year--January and February, ugh!--and I'll have some prizes for you too!


  1. Selfish projects only! No socks for your husband, hats for your kids--something for YOU YOU YOU!
  2. Cast-on on or after January 1. Finish by February 28 to be eligible for the grand prize. (More details on that grand prize soon--there WILL be yarn!)
  3. Pick any pattern published by Kristen Jancuk/MediaPeruana Designs, either independently or by a third-party publisher--that means patterns published by Holla Knits, Knit Picks, etc. are also eligible for this KAL. (Free patterns are not eligible for prizes--sorry!)
  4. Chat and share photos in the Selfish KAL thread in the MPD Ravelry group.
  5. Share on Instagram with tag #MPDSelfishKAL for a chance at random free pattern prize draws. 
  6. Double-dipping encouraged--use the same projects for any other KALs going on, like the DCS Pigskin Party KAL, which runs through SuperBowl Sunday.

To get you ready, all MediaPeruana Designs single self-published patterns are 25% off through the end of the year with code GOODBYE2016.

So, finish up those gift knits and get ready for some selfish knitting to ring in the New Year! Questions? Comment below or ask in the KAL thread